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EQUAL_GEN event, 19/4, 6 pm
We invite you to discuss the ways in which we can work with Gen Z for a world of gender justice.

Diotima Center invites you to the event “Talking with Gen Z about gender equality”, on Friday 19 April 2024, 6-9pm, at AKTO amphitheatre, Evelpidon 11A, Athens.

After two years of successful actions under the EQUAL_GEN project, we invite you to discuss the ways in which we can work with Gen Z for a world of gender justice.

Gathering a wealth of experience through 41 youth awareness actions and 15 teacher trainings, involving 900+ people aged 16-30 and 440 teachers, we seek to share with you our thoughts and suggestions on how we can foster a culture of consensus, with the young generation as a key dissemination agent.



  • Greeting by a representative of Active Citizens Fund Greece
  • EQUAL_GEN: Young people for gender equality. Results and perspectives, Despina Stamataki, Project Manager, Diotima Centre

Advocacy on gender rights

  • Policy proposals for the prevention of gender-based violence, Maria Tzavara, member of the Advocacy team, Diotima Centre
  • LGBTQI+ refugee community demands for prevention and inclusion, Sophia Zachariadi, coordinator of community awareness and empowerment workshops, Emantes

Art and communication as a vehicle for awakening

  • Deletion, rewriting, forgery: attempts at collective writing and synthesis of sounds and words, Evi Nakou, musician – researcher
  • Art and/or action, Michael Afolanio, manager of Anasa & Natasha Hanta-Martin, Anasa member
  • Creative writing and theatre for gender identities and consensus, Gloria Nzanga, artist Anasa/EqualGen, Christiana Giannou, artist Anasa/EqualGen
  • Creating cracks in gender inequality through campaigns for young people, Natasha Kefallinou & Marianna Stefanitsi, communication office, Diotima Centre

Coordination: Despina Stamataki
Discussion with the audience will follow.

Parallel actions

  • Screening of the documentary “Approaching gender equality through art”, 20′.
  • Exhibition of multimedia works produced in the workshops and rich material from the #Equal_Gen campaign. The works in the exhibition include art drawings, collages, paintings, masks, and participatory installations, created by the participants in the workshops experimenting with various artistic practices. Through the parallel exhibition activity we explore the role of art in building a world of gender equality.

** The EQUAL_GEN project is implemented in the framework of the Active citizens fund programme, with the Diotima Centre as implementing body and Emantes and Anasa Cultural Center as partners, is funded by Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway and is part of the European Economic Area (EEA) funding mechanism for the period 2014 – 2021, known as EEA Grants. The programme aims to strengthen and enhance the sustainability of civil society and to highlight its role in promoting democratic processes, enhancing citizens’ participation in the community and defending human rights. The Active citizens fund grant for Greece is managed jointly by the Bodossaki Foundation and SolidarityNow. Read more here:


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