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Exchange visit of good practices on gender-based violence
In the framework of the Survivor program, the second exchange visit of good practices for dealing with gender-based violence took place in Bulgaria.

Within the framework of the transnational Survivor program, the second visit was held to exchange good practices and know-how in the field of protection and services provided to survivors of gender-based violence.

The visit, which took place on May 27-29, 2019 in Bulgaria, was organized by IRC Hellas (International Rescue Committee) in collaboration with the local organization Alliance for Protection against Gender-Based Violence.

In order to present the good practices followed in Bulgaria, visits were made with representatives of the National Council for Equality, the National Ombudsman, the Border Police, and the National Commission for Combating Human Trafficking.

In addition, meetings were held with representatives of Doctors of the World, the Refugee Council, and UNICEF Bulgaria. IAASP’s experience in providing protection to victims of gender-based violence, as well as working with refugees and asylum seekers, was presented.

The program “Survivor: Strengthening services for female migrant and refugee survivors of gender-based violence” is implemented with the funding of DG Justice, for the period September 2018-2020.

The program is coordinated by the Diotima Center and the following partners participate the International Rescue Committee (IRC), the General Secretariat for Gender Equality, and the Research Center for Equality Issues (KETHI).

The objectives of the project are: to strengthen the quality and accessibility of Greek services for refugee and immigrant survivors of gender-based violence.

The development of programs on gender-based violence (GBV) through transnational dialogue and the exchange of best practices, materials, and GBV tools, in Greece and Europe.


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