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activists hold a sign that read "the future is female"
We defend feminist claims
Feminist struggles and claims have not only not ceased but are experiencing a lively bloom, internationally and in Greece.

This year’s 8th of March finds millions of women around the world facing the multiple effects of the health crisis, the long-term economic crisis and warfare. Women’s rights are often targeted and critical achievements of the feminist movement are put at risk.

The intensity of gender-based and domestic violence, during the pandemic, worldwide and in our country, with the simultaneous increase in femicides, they form an environment of constant precariousness for our lives.

In this environment, feminist struggles and claims have not only not ceased, but are experiencing a life-giving boom, internationally and in Greece, which makes visible the necessity of a world without gender discrimination and inequalities, without gender-based violence and abuse.

Contributing to the polyphonic feminist mobilization, we fight vigorously for:

  • eliminating violations, discrimination and inequalities in the labour market and employment: uninsured work, dismissals and unemployment affecting women first and foremost, lower pay for equal work, obstacles to professional development, sexual harassment in the workplace
  • the adoption of measures to enhance the reconciliation of professional and personal/family life
  • combating the rapid impoverishment of large groups of vulnerable and excluded women (survivors of gender-based violence, unemployed, single parents, elderly women, women with disabilities, homeless, migrants, refugees, Roma)
  • the development of horizontal equality policies and adequate funding of prevention measures, structures and actions to protect survivors of gender-based violence
  • defending our labour, social, sexual and reproductive rights and progressive institutional achievements and extending them to areas not covered by the legislation (legal recognition of femicide and sexual abuse through image)
  • upgrading central institutional mechanisms for gender equality
  • eliminating gender stereotypes and “traditional roles” that women are forced to perform at the expense of their personal lives and development
  • repudiating the culture of sexism and ideology that targets gender theory (anti-gender ideology), targeting feminist activists, LGBTQI+ people, gender studies, interacting with nationalist, misogynistic, homophobic positions.

Today, more than ever, it is necessary to highlight a strong feminist assertive agenda with a contemporary, interdisciplinary and inclusive movement that will bring together multiple collective subjects, highlight the common roots of gender inequality, domination, sexism and homophobia, and claim a world of justice, equality and peace for all.

► We support all actions for the International Women’s Day

► We participate in the strike rally on 8/3, at 1 p.m. m., in Klafthmonos square

► We call for the feminist gathering and march on 8/3, at 6 p.m. m., in Klafthmonos

Diotima Center, Athens 04/03/2022


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