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πανό της Πρωτοβουλίας, που το κρατούν πλήθος άτομα, μπροστά στο δικαστήριο για αλληλεγγύη σε καταγγέλλουσα.
Joint letter: Take sides against gender inequalities
The Initiative Against Femicides submits key demands for gender equality to the political parties ahead of the elections.

The 24 women’s organisations of the Initiative Against Femicides have published a joint letter entitled “Take sides against gender inequalities” in which they state the following:

The issue of women’s rights as human rights, according to the Beijing Platform and based on what is making its way into the media every day, proves that there is still a long way to go to achieve gender equality.

At the same time, our country currently ranks last in the Gender Equality Index of EIGE (European Institute for Gender Equality) and 100th in the World Economic Forum’s Gender Equality Report, despite having a complete legal framework for equality and despite the long, systematic fights of the feminist movement.

Following our research into the functioning of the institutions and the implementation of the legal framework in practice, we have found serious deviations from the equality principle, which are of great concern to us and it is our strong belief that a framework of bold reforms in the area of equality should be initiated immediately by the new Government.

In view of the upcoming elections and given that women constitute the majority of the electorate and we must have an active voice on the updates and decisions that affect us, we demand that our requests be included in the agenda of the political parties and we demand a positive response, so that there can be joint action in the direction of substantial gender equality.

Based on the above, we ask the parties to adopt the following demands and our claims, to commit themselves publicly to women’s rights and to provide institutions and funds to move rapidly towards gender equality:

1. Reconstitution – upgrade of the General Secretariat for Gender Equality, which has been downgraded by the present government. Revision of equality policies and adoption of gender mainstreaming everywhere.

2. Drastic measures to prevent and protect women from gender – domestic violence and its consequences. Integration of the term ‘femicide’ in the penal code and provision for orphans of femicide.

3. Establishment and commission of adequately equipped unified referral centres for the protection of victims of gender-based violence (sexual violence/rape) and the conduct of medical and other required examinations in major urban centres.

4. Expansion – upgrading – improvement of the operating conditions of the network of structures for combating gender violence and ensuring decent and stable working conditions for all employees.

5. Systematic – regular collection, processing and publication of statistical data on gender-based violence and gender inequalities by the Observatory of the General Secretariat for Equality.

6. Addressing the pathologies of the judicial system. Operation of family courts, pursuant to Law 2447/1996. Acceleration of the time for adjudication of court cases. Training of judicial officers.

7. Measures to effectively address the secondary victimisation of women victims of gender-based violence by the Greek Police, the Judiciary and Support Services.

8. Abolishment of Tsiaras Law 4800/2021 on the reform of family law and reinstatement of the provisions of Law 1329/83. State, financial and social care for children of divorced families based on income criteria/ especially for children of low-income families or children who are vulnerable, socially excluded, etc.

9. Systematic and adequate education – training – awareness-raising of citizens, police, judges, lawyers, health professionals, teachers, specialized professionals, public and private employees, etc. for the early diagnosis, prevention/combating of gender violence and gender inequalities.

10. Taking measures to eliminate misogynistic, patriarchal, sexist and racist stereotypes and perceptions reproduced by the media.

11. Equal participation of women in decision-making centres. Empowerment – Training – Support for women candidates in elections with a view to equal representation at all levels of politics.

12. Prevention, combating and detection of gender inequalities in the workplace.

Detailed recording of demands and documentation:

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(only in Greek)

The signatory women’s organisations

1. Greek Women’s Network of Europe

2. Hellenic Network for Feminist Strike

3. Hellenic Women Lawyers Association

4. Women’s Union of Greece (E.G.E.)

5. European Network against Violence (EDBC)

6. Women’s Self-Defence Group


8. Network for Combating Violence against Women

9. Diotima Centre

10. Democratic Women’s Movement

11. MITERAS ERGON Association of Mothers with Many Children

12. Women’s Rights Group Social Intervention West

13. The mothers of Mother’s Wings Greece

14. Women’s group of the association of social and cultural intervention thriallida

15. Women’s Group of Ptolemaida

16. Piraeus Women’s Initiative

17. Women’s Rights Association “TO MOB”

18. Feminist Collective THEODORA

19. Y.W.C.A. of Greece

20. Artivism Movement


22. Association of employees of the General Secretariat for Gender Equality “Dora Katsivardakou”

23. Network of Women Writers against Gender-based Violence and Femicide, “Her Voice”

24.STRONG ME, Movement for the Prevention & Combating of gender-based violence


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