Φωτογραφία, δύο γυναικών πλάτυ που κοιτάνε ένα λιβάδι και φοράνε μια κίτρινη και μια μαυρη μαντίλα στο κεφάλι.
A call of protest and solidarity to the Afghan people and Afghan women
12 women's organizations are calling for a protest rally in front of Parliament on Thursday, September 30, 2021, at 6:30 p.m.

Women’s organizations, including the Diotima Center, issue an open call for a protest rally in front of the Parliament on Thursday, September 30, 2021, at 6:30 pm, as a sign of solidarity with the Afghan people and Afghan women. Below is the full call:

Afghanistan is facing a huge humanitarian crisis. Under these extremely difficult conditions:

We express our solidarity with the Afghan people and especially with the Afghan women and girls, who are currently targeted by the Taliban and their human rights and lives are in danger.

We ask the European governments and of course the Greek government, instead of erecting fences that separate people, to welcome with safe, simple, and legal procedures all female refugees from Afghanistan who apply to the respective embassies so that they do not fall into the nets of refugee trafficking rings and human trafficking.

We condemn the violations of the human rights of women, vulnerable social groups, ethnic minorities, and the entire Afghan people. However, we refuse to accept that Afghan women become a tool that will in any way justify wars, conflicts, and imperialist tactics.

We call on the global community to take action to: peacefully settle disputes in the region without exclusions based on gender, send humanitarian aid, protect the human rights of women and all Afghan citizens, and protect refugees.

We declare our commitment to support the Afghan women’s movements and their demands for peace, democracy, social justice, and human rights.

Athens, 24/9/2021

Signatory organizations:

  1. Women’s Self-Defense Team
  2. Diotima-Center for Women’s Studies and Research
  3. Hellenic Network for the Feminist Strike
  4. Women’s Union of Greece (E.G.E.)
  5. European Network Against Violence (ENV)
  6. Center for Research and Action for Peace (KEDE)
  7. MITERAS ERGON Association of Mothers with Many Children
  8. Hellenic Women’s Network of Europe
  10. Women’s Rights Group Social Intervention West
  11. Piraeus Women’s Initiative
  12. Women’s Rights Association “TO MOV”

Photo by Etienne Girardet on Unsplash


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