The project entitled “DISC: Drama-based Interventions Challenging Gender Stereotypes and Encouraging Care Sharing” is implemented by a partnership between the Hellenic Theatre/Drama & Education Association (TENet-Gr) and Diotima Centre in the context of CERV-2024-GE, from November 2024 to October 2026 and is co-funded by the European Commission. The associate partners of the project are the Municipality ofAthens and the Hellenic League for Human Rights (HLHR).
The project’s objective is to challenge gender stereotypes and raise awareness on gender inequalities in care by applyingart-based techniques and methodologies.
Target groups
DISC is addressed to adolescents, social workers, adult educators, youth workers and informal caregivers.
Main activities
- Produce a training methodology, addressed to adults and adolescents, aiming to challenge gender stereotypes and promote equality in care
- Organisation of interactive experiential workshops addressedto adults and adolescents across Greece
- Produce a manual including the methodology, the tools andthe activities implemented in the workshops
- An intervention on inequalities related to care-giving based on the Forum Theatre techniques, which will be presented to local communities across the country
- Drafting of a policy brief, including proposals drawing from citizens perspectives gathered during the Forum Theatre presentations
- · Organisation of anawareness-raising campaign, including a documentary and two podcasts, aimed athighlighting the necessity of gender care balance and a care democracy.
Expected outputs
- 105 adults and 105 adolescents will participate in the interactive experiential workshops
- 1120 persons (700 adults and 420 young people) will participate in the intervention on inequalities related to care-giving based on the Forum Theatre techniques.