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Enhancing Diotima Centre’s safeguarding policies
The project aims to develop a comprehensive safeguarding policy which provides practical guidance for the centre's partners.

Centre Diotima defines safeguarding as the range of measures in place to protect people at Organisation or those it comes into contact with, regardless of age, gender identity, disability, sexual orientation, ethnic origin or other attribute(s), from harm, abuse, neglect, exploitation or maltreatment, misconduct of any kind.

This broader definition of safeguarding is in line with the abovementioned vision, aims and principles as depicted in the Rules of Procedure and Code of Conduct of the Centre Diotima


Diotima Centre collaborates with Francesca Stuer, an independent Safeguarding consultant, with the aim to develop one, comprehensive safeguarding policy which provides clear and practical guidance for staff, volunteers, interns, and contractual partners on how they can ensure a safe environment for anyone who interacts, participates and/or benefits from Diotima-supported activities (including children and vulnerable adults as well as the staff, volunteers and contractors themselves).

It will also provide the “umbrella” for all areas of the organisation that need to have safeguarding measures in place and will provide detailed instructions on how to implement the policy.

Expected outcomes

  • Review of Diotima’s current policies and guidance documents and recommendations for how they may contribute to the safeguarding policy
  • Updated Safeguarding Policy and Procedures


Safeguarding SEA Policy

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Child Safeguarding Policy

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