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The need to create a Safe Space for single women within the new facility in Samos
Thirteen civil society organizations express their concern about the lack of provision of safe living space for single women or single mothers with their children on the island of Samos.

Thirteen civil society organizations active in Samos, including Diotima Center, express their concern about the lack of provision of safe living space for single women or single mothers with their children in the new closed facility that will operate on the island of Samos.

In a joint letter sent to Mr. Dimitrios Axiotis, Administrator of the Samos RIC, and Mr. Emmanuel Logothetis, Secretary General for the Reception of Asylum Seekers at the Ministry of Migration and Asylum, they stressed that this development “will have a negative impact on the lives of women (…) many of whom have survived incidents of gender-based violence in the country of origin and/or travel” and need protection.

In addition, the need for the Creation of a Safe Space becomes imperative “as the majority of the incidents of gender-based violence reported take place within the RICs”.

More specifically, they report that “the existing structure in Vathi has been for many women, especially single women, a threatening environment, without protection from sexual harassment and gender-based violence. Girls and women, as well as LGBTQI+ people, often feel afraid to even use toilets and common areas, and even their tent is not a safe space.”

As underlined in the joint letter, “the authorities should identify pregnant women, single women with children, survivors of gender-based violence, victims of human trafficking, etc., and ensure safety and appropriate living conditions”.

In this context, the signatory organizations call for “the creation of a space for housing single women or single mothers with their children, so that their lives, sexual freedom, and physical integrity do not continue to be exposed to high risk. A place that will be a refuge for those who wish or will wish to escape from an abusive partner or the perpetrator of sexual assault. After all, prevention is the most important tool to eliminate such incidents of gender-based violence.”

Signatory organizations

  1. Center Diotima
  2. Greek Council for Refugees
  3. ARSIS – Social Organization for the Support of Youth
  4. METAdrasi – Action for Migration and Development
  5. Médecins Sans Frontières
  6. SamosLGBTQI+ Group
  7. Refugee Law Clinic Berlin
  8. Avocats Sans Frontières
  9. Glocal Roots
  10. Med’ Equali Team
  11. Still I Rise
  12. Just Action
  13. Samos Volunteers

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