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Digital campaign on cyber violence
Cyber violence and sexual harassment affect women's physical and psychological health.

What is cyberstalking? Can there be non-consensual sexting? What forms does image-based sexual abuse take? Is sexist hate speech a form of gender-based violence? Where does consensus start and end?

On the occasion of the increasing incidents of abuse and sexual harassment online and through the use of new technologies, the Diotima Center is launching a new digital campaign on cyber violence and its various forms.

In numbers

Gender-based cyberviolence is a global phenomenon. Despite the absence of an internationally established definition and the lack of data, recent research highlights that this form of violence disproportionately affects women and young girls, as well as LGBTQI people:

  • 1-4 women in Europe have experienced some form of abuse or harassment online, according to the recent Cybersafe report (2021)
  • 9-15% of LGBTQI people in the EU, aged 15-54, have experienced online violence, according to the Fundamental Rights Agency survey (FRA, 2020)

Significant impact

Like all forms of gender-based violence, abuse and sexual harassment online affects the physical and psychological health of women and all subjects who experience it, affects their sense of security and dignity, and has a significant impact on their rights.

Often those who experience it are forced to withdraw from the internet, which affects their access to services and information, while this is likely to limit women’s participation in the digital sphere and thus in public life.


In the campaign we highlight the importance of consent, online and offline, in order to educate the public in consensual online communication: Therefore, inform yourself, ask and make sure you have the consent of others before taking any action!


The campaign will run on all social media of Diotima Center in October 2022. Search for: Facebook @NGOdiotima | Instagram: @diotima_centre | Twitter @CentreDiotima | Linkedin @Diotima Centre | Tiktok @diotimacentre

Share, like, and comment to create even more buzz and raise awareness around gender-based cyber violence.

Important information

Diotima Center provides psychosocial support and legal assistance to young women, girls, and LGBTQI people who have experienced sexual harassment and violence online or in the workplace, at university, on public transport, etc. If you need help call us at 210 3244 380 or send a message to

**The campaign is part of the #PRESS  project, implemented under the CERV Project Grants with EU funding. The coordinating body is Diotima Center and partners are the Department of Communication and Mass Media of NKUA and Genderhood.



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