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Graphic says "do the human right thing"
Presentation of project results
Presentation of the three reports of the project about the access of refugees on the move to housing, health, and work.

The Hellenic Council for Refugees, in collaboration with the Diotima Center, the International Rescue Committee Hellas (IRC), and Popaganda, are holding an event to present the actions and results of the project “Do the human right thing – We Raise our Voice for the Rights of Refugees”, on Thursday, June 30, 2022, at 11:00 at the “Antonis Tritsis” Amphitheater, at the Spiritual Center of the Municipality of Athens (Akadimias 50).

The program of the event includes a presentation of the published reports within the framework of the program, concerning the access of people on the move to housing, health, and work; a discussion with the participation of agencies and organizations; the (first) screening of the video “Flows of People, Flows of History” by Maria Louka and Alexandros Katsi, and interventions by refugees who testify about their experiences.

* All measures to prevent the spread of the covid-19 pandemic will be taken, as foreseen.

The program of the event in detail:

Registration, coffee, and networking 10.00-11.30
Greetings 11.30-11.45:
Lefteris Papagiannakis – Director, Hellenic Council for Refugees
Representative of the Grant Administrator (TBC)

PART I (11.45-14.15)

Lefteris Papagiannakis, Director, Hellenic Council for Refugees
“The necessity of advocacy in the right to access to housing, employment, and health”, 11.45 – 12.00

  • Spyros-Vlad Economou, Advocacy Officer, Hellenic Council for Refugees
  • Melina Koumbou, Advocacy Manager, International Rescue Committee Hellas
  • Sotiris Lambrou, Program Manager, Diotima Center

“Equal access to housing, employment, and health for refugees: Presentation of the conclusions of the three reports of the project”, 12.00- 12.30

  • Stefania Baglatzi, Project Manager “Services for the prevention and treatment of gender-based violence in the refugee population”, Diotima Center

“Gender dimensions of the refugee issue: the right to health, housing, and work”, 12.30-12.45

  • Break 12.45-13.00
  • Discussion: How can relevant agencies help? 14.00-14.15

Athanasios Vicentzatos, Ministry of Immigration and Asylum
“Actions to promote the social integration of beneficiaries of international protection in Greek society”

◦Nikodimos Maina Kinyua, Greek Refugee Forum
“Views and proposals of refugee communities concerning access to housing, work, and health”

Natasa Arapidou, International Organization for Migration
“Helios Program Valuation and Prospects”

Petros Mastakas, UNHCR
“Common challenges in the field of social rights (housing, work, health) as a basis for inclusive social policies”

Dionysia Lampiri, ACCMR, Municipality of Athens
“The importance of inclusion at the local level: challenges and prospects”

Coordination: Dimitra Kalogeropoulou, Director, IRC Greece

  • Lunch break 14.15-15.00

PART TWO (15.00-16.30)

  • Personal testimonies 15.00-15.30

Andrianna Theohari, Head of the Greek department of Global Girl Media, journalist, and filmmaker

Hana Ganji, Afghan Community Vice President, gender and human rights activist

Nizami, Coordinator of Interpretation and First Reception Department, Hellenic Council for Refugees

  • Video screening “Flows of People / Flows of History” 15.30-15.45
  • Anastasia Vaitsopoulou, Editor, Human Rights and Climate Crisis, Popaganda

The importance of visibility and speech of refugees in asserting their rights – the experience of the project “Do the human right thing” 15.45-16.00

  • Discussion 16.00-16.30
  • Closing 16.30-17.00
    The project “Do the human right thing – We raise our voice for the rights of refugees” is implemented by the Activecitizensfund program in Greece by the Hellenic Council for Refugees (HRC) and its partners, the International Rescue Committee Hellas (IRC), the Diotima Center and Popaganda.

**The project “Do the human right thing – We raise our voice for the rights of refugees” is implemented by the Activecitizensfund program in Greece by the Hellenic Council for Refugees (HRC) and its partners, the International Rescue Committee Hellas (IRC), the Diotima Center and Popaganda

The Activecitizensfund program, amounting to €13.5 million, is financed by Iceland, Liechtenstein, and Norway and is part of the European Economic Area (EEA) financial mechanism for the period 2014 – 2021, known as EEA Grants. The program aims to strengthen and reinforce the sustainability of civil society and to highlight its role in promoting democratic processes, strengthening citizens’ participation in society, and defending human rights. The management of the Activecitizensfund program grant for Greece has been undertaken jointly by the Bodosaki Foundation and SolidarityNow.

More information can be found here:


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