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Here for us

Campaign for the care and mutual support of women and men refugees, through the exchange of knowledge, practices, and ideas.

#Hereforus is a campaign based on the need to devise ways of caring and mutual support within the community through the exchange of knowledge, practices, and ideas. 

The purpose of this booklet is to help establish new ways of care and support, promote equality and human rights, and disseminate useful and supportive information for asylum seekers and refugees living in Greece

Campaign for the care and mutual support of refugees through the exchange of knowledge, practices, and ideas.

As we recognize the urgent need for the implementation of human rights and protection of vulnerable refugees, women, and men – survivors of gender-based violence and/or vulnerabilities threatened by different types of gender-based violence – we promote the creation of reliable co-help and mutual support networks among the refugee community.

This leaflet expresses solidarity with men and women refugees in Greece.

This leaflet means support for the vulnerable. 

This leaflet is a reminder that you are not alone!

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