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Policy and legal brief on cyber violence
The study includes an overview of the legal and policy framework on gender-based cyber violence at an international, EU and national level and presents a number of suggestions.

Ιnformation and communication technologies (ICTs) along with the internet and social media have not only transformed existing forms of gender-based violence (GBV) but have also generated new ones, allowing for its perpetuation across distance, without physical contact and beyond borders, often through the use of anonymous profiles to amplify harm. In 2020, it was estimated that 1 in 2 young women experienced gender-based cyber violence (EPRS, 2021).

Against this background, it is imperative to adopt policies that ensure the prevention of cyber gender-based violence, the protection of survivors on the basis of an intersectional and inclusive approach, while supporting equal digital citizenship.

The study on “Policy and legal brief on cyber violence” includes an overview of the legal framework and policies on online gender-based violence at international, European and national level. It highlights that measures are highly fragmented and with significant gaps in both the legal framework and the policies adopted at EU and Member State level. A typical example is the absence of common terminology, as well as the multitude of legal and statistical definitions.

Given that the aim of the Brief is to emphasise the need to adopt comprehensive policies, the last part of the Report includes policy proposals and recommendations based on the Istanbul Convention in order to trigger concrete changes in the way gender-based violence is addressed at national and European level.

Anna Vouyioukas
Erika Casani

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**The study is part of the #PRESS  project, implemented under the CERV Project Grants with EU funding. The coordinating body is Diotima Center and partners are the Department of Communication and Mass Media of NKUA and Genderhood.


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