Γυναίκα πλάτυ που κάνει με τα χέρια το σήμα της νίκης
25N | Gender-based violence is an everyday occurrence
We join our voice with feminist and women's organisations on Saturday 25/11, 12.30am at Clafthmonos Square.

Gender based violence is not just a day, it is everyday life!

In our country, for the first time, we officially collect reliable quantitative data on the different aspects of gender-based violence against women:

  • Almost 1 in 2 women aged 18-74 have experienced intimate partner violence
  • Almost 1 in 2 has experienced sexual harassment at work
  • Almost 1 in 3 have experienced physical violence either from a partner or a non-partner
  • Over 1 in 4 has experienced stalking
  • Almost 1 in 5 have experienced sexual violence either from a partner or a non-partner

The shocking data showing the resilience and intensity of the phenomenon in the country, was drawn from the survey “Gender-based violence against women and other forms of interpersonal violence in Greece”, conducted between September 2022 and April 2023 by EKKE with funding from Eurostat, the largest survey in Greece, with a sample of 11,557 women, aged 18-74 years old, referring to a real population of 3,778,405 women.

To summarise, it is also worth noting that: In the context of abusive relationships, psychological violence is the most frequent form of violence (40.42%) experienced by women, with the percentage for young women aged 18-29 years exceeding 48%.

While it is highly likely that there are cases where intimate partner violence is not recorded because it may be outweighed by the non-breakup of the bond with the partner, the predominance of feelings of fear of the consequences for personal and family life, economic insecurity, cultural and/or social stereotypes and psychological insecurity

Regarding the perpetrators of physical violence incidents, close partners (20.4%) outnumber non-partners (15.6%), while in cases of sexual violence there is a reversal, with non-partners dominating (14.5%) compared to close partners (5.9%).

The women who most often report the abusive behaviours and/or gender-based violence they have experienced are younger, usually well or highly educated, integrated in the labour market and living in large urban centres and/or island regions, usually either divorced or not married/cohabiting.

Finally, a significant percentage of women stated that they are unaware of the SOS 15900 line and the existence and operation of Counselling Centres, which emphatically underlines the need for targeted information and awareness-raising campaigns.

Once again we will stress that the development of more effective policies to prevent and address gender-based violence is a necessity, both for the eradication of the phenomenon and for the holistic support of survivors of gender-based violence.

On the occasion of 25 November 2023, a day of feminist mobilization and action to eliminate all forms of gender-based violence, a day of remembrance for those murdered and absent, we struggle together with all women and femininities who have experienced gender-based violence regardless of age, ethnicity, class, religion, culture, language or other characteristics.

We unite our voice with feminist and women’s organizations and collectives and call on Saturday 25/11, 12.30 at Clafthmonos Square. 

We demand

✦ Legal recognition of femicide since the current Penal Code does not cover the gender and social dimension of the phenomenon, discrimination, inequality and power imbalance that are structural elements of femicide.

✦ Institutionalisation of the autonomy of public bodies for gender equality and their direct decoupling from demographic and family policy.

✦ Ensuring that the relevant state authorities (police, judicial authorities, medical and forensic staff, welfare and social services, etc.) apply the applicable laws, respect and safeguard the rights of survivors

✦ Equal and free access for all women/femininities to support structures (SOS line, counselling centres, shelters), with special measures for people with a refugee/migrant profile

✦ Ensuring the sustainability of the General Secretariat for Equality and Human Rights Network of Structures with adequate and stable resources and human resources.

✦ Expansion and strengthening of the Network of Structures in order to meet the pressing needs and the increasing demand for information services, counselling, legal representation and especially for accommodation for survivors

✦ Withdrawal of laws that relativise, undermine or jeopardise women’s guaranteed rights or trap them in stereotypical patriarchal and unequal roles (e.g. the law on compulsory co-parenting).

✦ Institutionalization and integration of inclusive sex education in compulsory education.

✦ Strengthening feminist and non-governmental organizations that support survivors of gender-based violence in order to prevent and respond to incidents of gender-based violence more effectively and comprehensively.


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