How would women live in a world free from gender inequalities?
We imagine a world of gender justice, evolving to include the needs of all femininities from the very start.

Certainly, the first color we would see would not necessarily be pink. The toys we would be given would be of all kinds and not necessarily dolls, strollers, and kitchenware. The fairy tales with the princesses would not exist! The princes would have disappeared!

We would grow up equally, with respect and recognition, without discrimination, gender stereotypes, and roles that today are considered inferior only because they are assigned to women. We would be told that we are “brave”, “strong” and “smart” and that if we want to and try, we can “conquer the world”.

They would encourage us to take up whatever school subject, skill, or sport we desire. Guess why! There would be no sports and skills “destined for our gender”. History and Science classes would be full of female role models who excelled and contributed to social progress. There would be no obstacles in our way if we wanted to become astronauts, politicians, mathematicians, engineers – because we were born girls. And for all these professions there would be words that would include us and our experiences.

Since adolescence, we would be taught the right of self-determination of our body, the right to sexual freedom, abortion, and the protection of our reproductive health in inclusive sex education classes, where all identities and sexual orientations would be accepted and respected. At university, in the gym, in the theatre group, we would be encouraged to develop our talents, to reach our full potential. The teachers would be females, males, and others and they would teach us that sexual harassment and gender violence were the result of historically established gender inequality, which now seems like a completely outdated story. 

At work, we would be paid according to our needs, equally and fairly as our male colleagues. None of us would be excluded from decision-making positions because “she’s a woman”, “she’s on her period”, or “she’s too emotional”. Motherhood would be protected for those who chose it, and all necessary free public social benefits would be provided.

The choice of non-motherhood would be equally embraced by the community, as no girl would grow up learning that her destiny is family.

Household work and child or elderly care would not burden us disproportionally. It would be equally shared among the adult members of all forms of cohabitation. We would have no worries about combining our professional and personal lives since we would not be burdened with double work. Partnerships, long-term, short term or any kind would be based on respect, mutual appreciation, sharing and equality – and no one would try to impose on us, to control us, because they consider us inferior.

At night, we would get back home without fear, feeling that the public space was safe. The Internet would be a space for self-expression and experimentation, and we would not be forced to censor ourselves to avoid sexist attacks. Women in the public sphere and politics would be evaluated for their work and positions and not their appearance. 

We imagine a world of gender justice, evolving and progressing while including the needs of all women and femininities from the beginning. We fight every day to get closer. We want you with us in this struggle.


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