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seminar participants are sitting in a row, some are taking notes, we can only see their limbs and torso from the side
Seminars for migrant women in representative institutions
Encouraging and strengthening the participation of migrants in specific social spaces and political institutions

The Diotima Centre organizes seminars for the development of skills for migrant women in order to enhance their participation in institutions and bodies of social and political representation.

The political participation of migrants in the public sphere and in public life is one of the most important indicators of social integration in the countries of residence, and the right to exercise citizenship and active participation in decisions concerning those who live and work in Greece is a basic parameter for social cohesion and the consolidation of democracy.

We consider the active participation and representation of migrants in the institutions that constitute the “threshold” for political participation, both at the level of the local community (municipalities), in the organization and representation of labor rights (trade unions), and in the context of education and school life (Parent’s Associations), very crucial.

Encouraging and strengthening the participation of migrants in these specific social spaces and political institutions is a two-way process and actively involves both parties, migrants, and natives.

The Diotima Centre, as coordinator of the transnational project “Parti-GE.MI. Paving the way for the participation of migrants in institutions of collective representation – Gender-sensitive counseling and skills development” funded by the European Fund for the Integration of third-country nationals, is organizing two (2) Seminars / Training Programmes, of a total duration of 20 hours (each), from the end of September and until the end of October 2014.

The seminars are as follows:

  1. “Together we can do better”: seminar for upgrading participatory skills and diversity management skills
  2. “Participating with my own voice”: a seminar to upgrade participation skills, exercising and asserting my rights

Those who are interested are invited to contact the Diotima Centre for more information.

Address: 24 Nikis, 105 57 Athens

Phone: 210-3244380




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