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The programme aims to act against gender-based violence, focusing on women survivors with low or no income.

The program is funded by “Papastratos” and is being implemented for the period September 2018– April 2019.
SPEAK Safety, protection and women’s empowerment- expressing Agency and raising Awareness on Key Gender Based Violence issues.


  • Facilitating women’s access to a life without violence
  • Empowerment of GBV survivors through provision of legal aid/assistance and increase awareness on their rights
  • Providing a different, survivor centered approach taking into account the survivors’ situation as a whole and ensuring their access to information about all the appropriate and available legal remedies for the arrangement of their issues, while at the same time respecting their will and recognizing their leading role in the process of legal case management
  • Advocating on behalf of the survivors throughout the legal process
  • Awareness raising on gender issues targeting young individuals and the public in general
  • Challenging prevalent stereotypes and initiating discussion/dialogue in the public sphere


  • Changing Lives-Practicality:
    Continuation of provision of legal aid/assistance to SGBV survivors, including lodging complaints (pressing charges against perpetrators), submitting applications for interim measures, issuing of provisional orders, representation at criminal court as a civil claimant, regardless of their legal status (locals, migrants, refugees) and representation at Asylum Service, customized legal aid including provision of reliable and concrete information as well as analysis of their options in order to be in the position to take “informed decisions” in the case of having been survivors/victims of Gender Based Violence (GBV).
  • Raise Awareness:
    Follow up awareness raising campaign on GBV (the campaign’s message, the communication channels, the targeted audience and all the rest details to be further consolidated in the process of proposal). Aiming at capitalizing our communication footprint of the current campaign, a follow up comprehensive campaign that will reach a variety of audiences (with priority to the young) will be planned.

Target group of the project

Female GBV survivors, Young Persons, General Public


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