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Invitation to participate in a mentoring programme
Mentoring sessions in order to support and strengthen the political participation of migrant women and men.

The Diotima Centre implements mentoring meetings entitled “WE-CO-OPERATE” to support and strengthen the political participation of migrants.

The action focuses on participatory institutions that are “thresholds” for social and political participation and the exercise of citizenship.

More specifically it concerns:

  • At the local level such as Migrant Integration Councils (IMCs) & municipal community councils, local communities/neighborhoods, residents’ committees, etc.) for more active participation in issues that concern him/her and their community, and to have their own voice in decisions concerning their daily life in the city
  • Participation in bodies representing workers (trade unions/associations) in order to promote and defend, together with others, their labor rights
  • Participation in parents’ and guardians’ associations and school councils, so that they can take part in their children’s school life and have the opportunity for social and personal recognition and intercultural communication.

By making use of the institution of mentoring, which is based on the unique relationship that can be developed between two individuals with the main purpose of “educating” one of them by supporting the other in real-life situations, we seek to contribute to a more active participation in one of the aforementioned institutions.

Thus, for example, a person with experience in participation enables him/her to explore, discover, get to know, and apply in his/her daily life elements and aspects that the mentor circulates, brings to the surface, and challenges him/her to try out.

Through this professional but not formal relationship, the mentor tries to shape/cultivate principles, values, and skills in the mentee using himself/herself as a “model”, along with his/her accumulated knowledge and experience in the specific field and environment.

In this context, members of migrant organizations are invited to take part in the project either as mentors or as guides and to spare the little time required in order to mutually benefit from each other, to “train” themselves in becoming visible, and to promote their position in Greek society by securing their rights in practice.

The inaugural meeting of the two groups is set for Friday 19 December 2014 from 16.30 to 20.00.

The program has a total duration of six weeks and will consist of 6-7 meetings with flexible adaptation to the needs and availability of the participants. Travel costs will be covered by the program. It will be on a first-come, first-served basis.

The action is implemented in the framework of the transnational project ‘Parti-GE.MI. Paving the way for the participation of migrants in institutions of collective representation – Gender-sensitive counseling and skills development”, funded by the European Fund for the Integration of third-country nationals.

For more information and to apply for participation please contact the Diotima Centre.

Contact person: Georgia Karachaliou/Efi Liapi

Telephone: 210 3244380



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