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a woman wearing a hijab walks in front of a wall with colourful graffiti
Support to surviving women refugees in 2017
Our teams in Athens and Thessaloniki provided legal and psychosocial support to 75 cases of gender-based violence.

As part of the integrated action implemented by the Diotima Center for that part of the refugee population that is gradually integrating within the country’s major urban centers, dozens of cases of gender-based violence have been reached and taken up by the services and staff of the organization, already from the first months of the program’s implementation.

Cases of gender-based violence at the end of 2017

At the end of 2017, our teams in Athens and Thessaloniki are working on more than 35 unique cases, in the field of gender-based violence incident management, and 40 cases, in the field of specialized legal support. Cases are referred to the Diotima Centre through the contact lines of the organization (see below) by other public or private profile services.

In order to meet the increased needs foreseen for 2018, the Diotima Centre is continuously reinforcing its teams with trained staff and is already proceeding with the autonomous housing of the services, both in Athens and Thessaloniki.

During this year, 3 training seminars for lawyers will also be organized, following the training seminars held under the scientific supervision of the Centre, for legal services staff who receive incidents of gender-based violence

The services of the program

Services for survivors of gender-based violence are always free of charge and the program is implemented with the support of the International Rescue Committee (IRC) and with funding from the European Union’s Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid.

The SGBV Case Management service consists of gender-based violence specialists, social workers, psychologists, interpreters/cultural mediators, and lawyers. The team examines each case individually and in-depth, informs, supports, and proposes actions based on the available tools.

The Legal Aid service consists of teams of lawyers, in Athens and Thessaloniki, who undertake the entire legal aspect of a case, including representation in court.

At all stages, absolute confidentiality of personal information is ensured, as well as respect for the individual will, choices, and experience of each survivor

To contact the project staff, and for information or referrals, please contact or call  +302103244380  (12.00 – 17.00).

“This document covers humanitarian aid activities implemented with the financial assistance of the European Union. The views expressed herein should not be taken, in any way, to reflect the official opinion of the European Union, and the European Commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.”


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