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photo taken from the day in the museum showing a group of women looking at an exhibit
Visit to the Diachronic Museum of Larissa for refugee women
The action was organized by the Mayoralty of Social Policy of the Municipality of Larissa in cooperation with the Diotima Centre.

On Friday 2 February 2018, in the context of awareness raising and social integration of the refugees who reside in the Open Accommodation Facility of Thessalia in Koutsochero Larissa, a group of refugee women visited the Diachronic Museum of Larissa.

The action was organized by the Municipality of Larissa’s Social Policy Department in cooperation with the Diotima Centre, which implements the program for the provision of integrated support and management services for cases of gender-based violence, networking, and empowerment of the refugee women staying at the Koutsochero shelter.

The women had the opportunity to spend a morning at the museum and to tour the main exhibition where the area of Thessalia is presented, through time. This journey through time and space is approached through the triptych: state, institutions, and powers. The action is ongoing as a second visit by the group of women accompanied by the social scientists working in the structure will follow.


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