Assisting professionals working with refugees
The program seeks to enhance the ability of professionals to respond adequately to the needs of empowering refugees and migrants.

The program “Assisting Professionals to Empower Refugee and Migrant Women and Men” is funded by the Dutch Embassy for the period from April to December 2019.


The program seeks to enhance the ability of professionals to respond adequately to the needs of empowering refugee and migrant women and men that have been subjected to Gender Based Violence or are at high risk of GBV, as a first step in their integration into Greek society. Specifically:

Key Activities & Main Expected Outcomes

  • Participation and inclusion of refugee and migrant women and men in the needs assessment process and in key stages of empowerment and integration programming
  • Creation of a Handbook to be used from professionals that will adapt and adopt gender and cultural sensitized ap­proaches and methods within their empowerment services/activities, in particular tailor-made for refugee and migrant GVB survivors or persons at high risk of GBV.
  • Increased capacity of professionals to best respond to empowerment needs  of their beneficiaries and to accurately plan tailor-made integration activities

Target group

CRWI Diotima’s Professionals, Public officers, Policy makers, Front-line Professionals


Handbook “Empowering Refugee Survivors of Gender-Based Violence and/or Individuals at high risk of GBV to Reclaim their Story”

Download PDF_ENG


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