Bridging the gap
The aim of the project is the social reintegration and employment of women who have suffered violence and abuse.

The project “Bridging the Gap – Solidarity and support for women” is implemented under the ΟP “Human Resources Development 2007-2013”, by the Development Partnership DIEXODOS, with Diotima Centre as coordinating partner.

The intervention concerns the multiple and holistic support for social (re)integration and employment of 70 beneficiary women who have suffered violence and abuse. The intervention aims to fill the gap in the required – for the support of abused women – care & support continuum and to cover it through networking and cooperation of all stakeholders at the local level.


The intervention aims to empower and provide multiple support (counseling, training, networking with employers, promotion to employment and self-employment, etc.) to women who are hosted or have been hosted in the recent past in hostels, in order to integrate themselves into the labor market in fields and industries where (low) specialization and cooperation with employers and/or networks of entrepreneurs is required.


The implemented actions include a study of the local labor market (region of Attica), networking – transnationality/exchange of good practices, information – counseling – support, training – education, information – awareness raising through the production of an information sheet.


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