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Capacity building and research against GBV
The project contributes to the prevention, treatment and management of incidents of GBV in the refugee population.

CRWI DIOTIMA is implementing a new project that is supported and funded by UNICEF for the period of beginning of January until the end of August 2018. The programme is covering two different lines of action, one in the area of capacity building and the other one in the area of research.

Concerning capacity building, the three groups of professionals targeted have been priorities based on their direct contact with populations at risk, and the fact that they are among those who have had limited opportunities to receive GBV related trainings.

The trainings will be tailored to the specific roles and operational contexts of the three distinct groups of professionals, and will focus on providing up to date information and practical solution oriented skills adapted to the Greek context. The three different target groups are the following: Teachers and Educators (both from formal and non-formal education), UAC Shelters and Safe Zone Providers, multi-disciplinary groups consisting of key front line staff such as staff from NGO’s, medical professionals, public sector and police.

In regards to the research of the project DIOTIMA is implementing a wide field research on assessment of accessibility barriers to services for refugee and migrants GBV survivors in Attica, Northern Greece, islands and Evros regions.

The research intends to enhance stakeholder understanding of accessibility barriers to GBV services for refugee and migrants GBV survivors and -through its recommendations- to inform the revision of poli­cies and practices with the sole aim to achieve greater accessibility. The goal is that the above men­tioned recommendations will provide policy makers with context-specific suggestions in a non “one size fits all” approach of the GBV sector in Greece.

For more detailed information regarding our services and/or for expression of interest in joining one of our teams, you are kindly invited to contact our office:, 210-3244380 (Monday – Friday 12.00 – 17.00)


Executive Summary | Research on Accessibility and Barriers to Gender-Based Violence Services for refugee and migrant girls, boys, women and men in Greece

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Final Report | Research on Accessibility and Barriers to Gender-Based Violence Services for refugee and migrant girls, boys, women and men in Greece

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