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The project is raising awareness and solutions for the best support of survivors with sensory disabilities.

Liminal  and Diotima Centre with the support of Alliance for Gender Equality in Europe, join their strengths for a new pilot project concerning the raising awareness and support of gender-based violence survivors with sensory disabilities, for the period from January until December 2022.


With the above cooperation and in the framework of an intersectional approach, Diotima Center and Liminal will have the opportunity to assess the multiple consequences and difficulties that emerge when gender-based violence and sensory disability meet, to process in common and with the target population ways of raising awareness and solutions for the best support of survivors with sensory disabilities, and to place the basis for an accessible referral pathway for the support by public and private actors.


  • Conduction of Focus Group discussions with people with sensory disabilities (women and LGBTQI individuals)
  • Creation of accessible and inclusive services in Diotima Center for the psychosocial and legal support of people with sensory disabilities that are in risk of experiencing, have experienced or/and are experiencing Gender Based Violence
  • Design and implementation of an accessible campaign for raising awareness and informing on gender-based violence issues.

Expected Outcomes

  • Enabling people with sensory disabilities to escape violating and abusive relationships and forwarding their rights for a life free of every form of gender-based violence.
  • Promotion of gender equality and fight against gender-based violence through accessible informing and raising awareness of: a) gender-based violence survivors with sensory disabilities, b) professionals that come into contact with people with sensory disabilities (i.e. carers, educators, etc.), c) the general public.


  • Accessible documentary SAFEable


  • Accessible website

Mini site


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