Psychosocial intervention for women affected by GBV

The protocol aim to tackle the escalating levels of domestic, sexual, and gender-based violence.
Good practices focusing on consent

The guide serve as a learning tool, offering reference material to professionals, providing information regarding sexual harassment.
Domestic violence and pandemic

A useful guide to preventing and responding to domestic violence, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Empowering refugee survivors

Addressing to professionals who would like to integrate a more gender and culturally sensitized approach into their activities.
Cultural mediators working with GBV survivors

The guidance document focuses on the best practices concerning interpretation and cultural mediation based on the gender criteria.
GBV on refuge populations

Guide for professionals working with refugee populations to promote a culturally sensitive approach regarding the protection of GBV survivors.
Introduction to GBV core concepts

This guidance document constitutes an introduction to the basic concept of GBV, international legal standards and gender equality.
Good and bad legal administrative practices

This index seeks to contribute to the public discussion regarding GBV and improving the protection of victims.
Auxiliary staff working with GBV survivors

This document provides guidelines aiming to sensitize and educate professionals about gender-based violence.
Training material development for GBV

International model guidelines along with relevant national legal framework regarding the prevention and coping with GBV.
Asylum procedures for women in Greece

This guide seeks to clarify the concepts, procedures and rights of female asylum seekers and recognized female refugees.
Gender pay gap in collective bargaining

The training material provides examples for trainers about the gender pay gap in collective bargaining.