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A woman's face is blurred and on the front is written "In times of crisis women and girls are most at risk, stand by them."
Digital campaign #StandΒyΤhem
New campaign of the Diotima Centre on gender-based violence in three languages (Greek, English, Ukrainian).

Diotima Centre presents its latest digital campaign for 2022 with the support of UNHCR. The digital campaign #StandByThem speaks about the experience of gender-based violence. An experience common to women and femininities across borders. The campaign consists of a spot in Greek, English, and Ukrainian.

Empowering women

Gender-based violence is a displacement, from the body, thoughts, and feelings. And it intensifies and takes multiple forms, especially in times of crisis, such as the recent war in Ukraine and elsewhere, leading millions of women into forced displacement. In these times, women and girls are at double risk and need our support.

We aim to empower and inform women who have experienced violence or are at risk about the services we provide (psychosocial support & legal aid), while our campaign also aims to raise awareness among the wider public.

The campaign runs on Diotima Centre’s social media from December 2022- January 2023.

Facebook NGOdiotima | Instagram: diotima_centre | Twitter CentreDiotima | Linkedin Diotima Centre | Tiktok diotimacentre

Share, like, and comment to create even more buzz and raise awareness around gender-based violence online.

Important information

If you need help, contact Diotima Centre. We provide psychosocial support and legal assistance to GBV survivors, refugees and asylum seekers in Athens, Thessaloniki, and Lesvos, as well as remote legal assistance on Chios, Samos, Kos, and Leros, with interpretation in English, French, Farsi, Arabic, and Ukrainian. The same services are provided to Greek women and migrants in Athens and Thessaloniki.

If you are a refugee or an asylum seeker:

Opening hours: Monday – Friday, 09.00-17.00
Tel. 210 88 16405.
Psychosocial support:
Legal aid:

Opening hours: Monday – Friday, 09.00-17.00
Tel. 2310 534445
Psychosocial support & legal aid:

Opening hours: Monday-Friday, 09.30-17.30
Tel. 22510 24730
Psychosocial support & legal aid:

Samos, Chios, Kos, Leros:
Opening hours: Monday – Friday, 10.00-18.00
Tel. 210 3244380
Legal aid:

If you are Greek or an immigrant:

Opening Hours: Monday-Friday, 10:00 – 18:00
Tel. 210 3244380
Psychosocial support & legal aid:

Opening hours: Monday-Friday, 10:00 – 14:00
Tel. 2310 534445
Psychosocial support & legal aid:


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