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How can we talk to the new generation about consent, physical boundaries, healthy relationality, and gender stereotypes in a lively and interactive way?
Diotima Center, Emantes, and Anasa Cultural Center join forces in the new project “EQUAL_GEN: Young people for gender equality”, which includes a variety of training, empowerment, awareness, and art activities, for young people.
The importance of prevention actions in adolescents and young adults has been highlighted, as adolescence and the first years of adulthood are a period of formative experiences in terms of beliefs and the way of experiencing and expressing gender.
The project’s activities are addressed to over 900 young people, aged 16-30, from different cultural contexts, with various gender identities and sexual orientations.
By working with the young generation, our goal is to create cracks in the dominant and stereotypical perceptions of gender and identities, which decisively influence their choices in terms of education, interpersonal relationships, and work, perpetuating gender inequality and violence.
An essential innovation of the project is the utilization of contemporary art, performative and visual tools, through interactive workshops with young artists, to approach gender equality issues, experientially and extralinguistically.
As part of the program, training activities will be carried out for 600 teachers of all levels, with the aim of providing them with the tools to identify and support children and adolescents with abuse experiences. Finally, through a digital campaign, we will address young audiences and the general public to raise their awareness about gender rights.
With the vision of creating a society based on gender justice, we hope that the EQUAL_GEN program will contribute to the awakening of young people to become agents of social change, and ambassadors of a society free of gender-based violence and stereotypes.
**The Active citizens fund in Greece is supported through a € 13.5 m grant from Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway as part of the EEA Grants 2014 – 2021. The program aims to develop the sustainability and capacity of Greece’s civil society sector and strengthen its role in promoting and safeguarding democratic procedures, active citizenship, and human rights. The Fund Operator for the Active citizens fund in Greece is Bodossaki Foundation in consortium with SolidarityNow. More information:
The project “EQUALGEN – Youth for gender equality” is implemented under the Active citizens fund, by Diotima Centre as project operator, and Anasa Cultural Center and Emantes International LGBTQIA+ Solidarity as partners, for the period April 2022-May 2024.