
We intervene in the public debate by organizing and participating in events on gender rights. 

Watch the videos, read the suggestions, get informed about our new events.

Αφίσα που λέει "Μην προσπερνάς την έμφυλη βία"

Don’t Skip gender-based violence

On the occasion of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women, Diotima Center presents the “Don’t Skip” campaign.

Αίθουσα συνεδρίου

Perspectives in refugee management

The Diotima Center invites you to the GSGE conference entitled “National European challenges and perspectives in the management of the refugee issue”.

photo from the presentation event

Study presentation day

The study of Diotima Centre is entitled “Study to Detect the Needs of Refugee Women Living in Temporary Accommodation Structures”.

photo from the performance, showing two women dancing while holding a red cloth

The Blooming Shoes

Performance with original texts by six Greek writers, concerning domestic violence in all different forms.

movie poster, on the left female figures climb on top of each other, forming a tall formation, on the right the caption reads "Matriarchy"

Women and power

Discussion on the occasion of the start of the screening of the film “Matriarchy” organized by the Diotima Center and Greek Film Archive.

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