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Gender mainstreaming in education
The policy brief summarizes: the institutional framework for gender equality in education, and proposals for a gender-sensitive education policy.

The policy brief “Inclusion of a gender perspective in the pedagogical process” was produced in the framework of the Equal_Gen project, as part of the project’s advocacy activities for the promotion of gender equality.

The content was based on literature research and data analysis, as derived from a series of trainings with a target group of teachers of all levels, in formal and non-formal education, implemented by the Diotima Centre from September 2022 to October 2023.

Given the discrimination and inequalities identified in a multitude of practices within the educational community that have a decisive impact on the development and subsequent path of students, a gender mainstreaming strategy in education and in all areas of educational practice is a necessary condition to ensure that the needs of all students are taken into account in an equal way, regardless of gender.

The policy brief summarizes: existing gender discrimination, the institutional and legislative framework for gender equality in education at international, European and national level, pedagogical methods that are critical of stereotypes, and proposals for a gender-sensitive education policy by developing appropriate pedagogical practices and content and strengthening the role of teachers.

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** The policy brief was produced as a deliverable of the EQUAL_GEN project, implemented under the Active citizens fund project, with the Diotima Centre as implementing agency and Emantes and Anasa Cultural Center as partners.

The €15 million Active citizens fund project is funded by Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway and is part of the European Economic Area (EEA) funding mechanism for the period 2014 – 2021, known as EEA Grants. The project aims to strengthen and enhance the sustainability of civil society and to highlight its role in promoting democratic processes, enhancing citizens’ participation in public life and defending human rights. The Active citizens fund grant for Greece is managed jointly by the Bodossaki Foundation and SolidarityNow. Read more here:


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