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Diotima Center now in Samos
Our local office in Vathi provides support services to local and refugee women who have suffered gender-based violence.

Now you have someone to talk to! This is the title of the campaign currently organized by the Diotima Center in Samos aiming to raise awareness about gender-based violence/ violence against women and inform the local and refugee population about the services offered.

Our campaign aims at informing women who live on the island that they can address and talk to a range of professionals in order to get informed about their rights and receive support.

Our ultimate goal is to empower women in order for them to live without fear, danger, or violence, living the life they deserve!

Diotima Center is a women’s organization, active in the field for more than 30 years, and specializing in issues of gender-based violence. Though based in Athens, since 2015 we have also been working and providing our services in Thessaloniki and Lesvos.

In Samos, we set up our new local office five months ago and since then have started providing full support to survivors of gender-based violence, being funded by the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees(UNHCR).

Our local office in Vathy, Samos, and our highly experienced and dedicated team, consisting of a wide variety of experts (psychologists, social workers, lawyers, and interpreters), provide a full range of support services to adult, local women, and/ or asylum seekers, recognized refugees, as well as men and LGBTQ people who have confronted gender-based violence.

Our services also include reception and needs assessment, psychosocial and legal support, including representation in the court, escort to public services and local agencies, referrals to other services, etc.

We also organize activities aiming at the prevention of gender-based and domestic violence and group meetings to increase awareness about women’s rights.

Moreover, we offer empowerment activities, as well as, educational programs for professionals and executives of organizations about gender-based violence, national and international response protocols, legislation, etc.

We work together to end gender-based violence

We empower women to overcome violence and discrimination

Samos team, Diotima Center

To make an appointment

Call 6981 760 678(Monday to Friday 10.00-17.00) or

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