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Unlock Your Power | Digital awareness campaign
A campaign on domestic violence in the time of the pandemic by the Diotima Center and the British Embassy in Athens.

Domestic violence is a pandemic within a pandemic. With the aim of raising awareness and informing the general public, Diotima Centre and the British Embassy in Athens present the joint digital campaign #UnlockYourPower – a campaign on domestic violence in the time of the pandemic, which will be running on social media from March 30 to April 9, 2021.

During the confinement period, women living in violent relationships are trapped at home. They are most threatened. They find it difficult to seek help. No pandemic, however, is invincible.

With #UnlockΥourPower campaign we are sending the message that every woman can escape abuse if she “unlocks” the power she hides within herself.

On this path, she will not be alone. She can contact appropriate institutions for specialized support. All women have the right to security, justice, and freedom – to a life free of violence.

Ambassador Kate Smith mentioned

“Gender-based violence and, in particular, domestic violence is a social plague – it is a violation of human rights and is one of the most common in the world. Unfortunately, during the pandemic there has been an increase in incidents of domestic violence, many of which do not reach the authorities.

The UK is working with Governments and NGOs around the world to eradicate this type of criminal behavior, and to support survivors who need to continue their lives without fear.

In this context, the British Embassy in Athens continues its cooperation with Diotima Centre, aiming to inform and raise awareness among women, and not just them, in Greece in order to strengthen and consolidate the belief that there is a way out, there is an effective framework for protection and support, there is a path and a way for survivors to continue their lives without violence and without fear of violence.”

Maria Liapi mentioned

“Domestic violence is a social phenomenon with global dimensions and gender inequalities are its cause and consequence. The recent pandemic has once again brought to the fore a grim social reality for a large number of women of all ages, social statuses, marital statuses, etc., and dramatically proved that the home is not a safe haven from the pandemic of gender-based violence.

We wanted, in cooperation with the British Embassy in Athens -and we thank them warmly for this- to organize a campaign that will attempt to send a positive message of solidarity and empowerment. To speak honestly and with mutual understanding and to motivate to seek support and a way out towards a life free from violence.”

The stats

During the pandemic, there was an increase in incidents of gender-based and domestic violence in Greece. According to the first annual report on violence against women of the General Secretariat for Family Policy and Gender Equality, from November 2019 to October 2020: 4,872 survivors resorted to Counseling Centers for psychosocial support and legal counseling, 536 were accommodated in shelters, 8,609 people called the SOS 15900 Hotline for information. The vast majority of cases were incidents of domestic violence by former or current partners. The violence became more frequent and threatening during the quarantine period.

In order to make the elimination of domestic violence a reality, you need to mobilize yourself. Stand by women experiencing violence. Solidarity is our mask of protection.

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Diotima Center:  |  Facebook: Διοτίμα Κέντρο Γυναικείων Μελετών και Ερευνών | Twitter:  @CentreDiotima | Instagram: @diotima_center | Linkedin: Diotima | Tiktok: DiotimaCentre | Youtube: Diotima Center

British Embassy in Athens: UK in Greece: GOV.UK | Facebook: UK in Greece | Twitter: @UK in Greece & @KateSmithFCDO


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