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Γυναίκα πλάτυ που κάνει με τα χέρια το σήμα της νίκης
16 days of activism against gender-based violence
The Diotima Centre in Thessaloniki, Lesvos and Samos participates in actions to prevent and combat gender-based violence.

The Diotima Centre participates nationwide in initiatives to prevent and combat gender-based violence in the context of the “16 Days of Activism against Gender Violence”, a ten-day series of actions that symbolically unites two landmark days in the field of human rights, November 25th, International Day for the Elimination of Gender-Based Violence and December 10th, International Human Rights Day. Below are all the events in which the Diotima Centre teams in Thessaloniki, Lesvos and Samos participate:


A round table discussion on gender-based violence and specifically femicide organized by UNHCR in Lesvos on 26 November, 5:00 pm, at the Elysion Hotel.

Participating as main speakers: Éric Fassin (writer, professor of sociology from the University Paris 8), Caroline Ibos (writer, professor at the University Rennes 2, researcher at the French National Centre for Scientific Research), Venetia Kantsa (professor, chair of the Department of Social Anthropology and History of the University of the Aegean, chair of the Gender Equality Committee) and Theodora Goga, lawyer of the Diotima Centre.


With this year’s topic “Let’s make the world orange! End gender violence now!” Diotima Centre participates in the educational activities organized by UNHCR for the refugees by presenting the national legislation on gender-based violence and its practical implementation.

In particular, an educational activity on gender-based violence and mental health first aid for refugee/asylum-applicant women is organised.

In the same direction, i.e. raising awareness on the prevention and elimination of violence against women and girls, including refugee women, a training seminar for police staff is organised with the participation of UNHCR, the Women’s Counselling Centre of the Municipality of Chios, the non-governmental organisation IRC and the Diotima Centre.


Every incident of gender-based violence is a different story. But it remains an aspect of the same phenomenon and reflects the unequal social relations that are structured and reproduced at the socio-political level.

In order to inform and raise awareness about gender-based violence, the Municipality of Eastern Samos, the Child and Family Support Centre “Alkis Zei” of ARSIS – Social Organization for Youth Support and the Diotima Centre organize the Open Information Event “The Road to Prevention”.

The event will take place at the Town Hall of Samos on 08/12/2021 at 6:00 p.m. The participation in the event is free of charge with the demonstration of a vaccination or disease certificate at the entrance and the use of a mask throughout the event.


The Select Respect Network organizes the online event “Why femicide? Gender-based crimes” on Friday 3 December, at 6:30 pm.

Dimitra Latsiou, lawyer of the Diotima Centre from the Thessaloniki team will participate in the discussion with the presentation: “Gender stereotypes and barriers – From the complaint to the courtroom”, as highlighted in the Press Release: “Violence against women, in all forms, constitutes the most heinous expression of gender power which reflects and sustains patriarchal structures across the globe. The ‘capstone’ of all forms of gender-based violence is femicide.

The term femicide, despite strong resistance, is increasingly used in the public sphere, reminding us of the urgent need both to legislate the term and to consolidate it in the collective consciousness so that the legal system, with social awakening, can intercept this ‘epidemic’ that takes lives and strikes at the very core of democracy.


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