The two-year research project “FeMiPol – Integration of female immigrants in the labor market and society. Policy Assessment and Policy Recommendations” was implemented in the context of the 6th Framework Programme of the European Commission, between 2006-2008, coordinated by the Institute of Social Research at J.W.Goethe University Frankfurt am Main.
The research covered 11 EU member states, which are typical cases in terms of migration policy development (highly regulated versus unregulated migration), the existing welfare state (Northern European versus Southern European model), the country’s status in terms of EU membership (old and new member states).
The aim of the research, which used qualitative methods and biographical interviews, was to assess the social and labor integration policies of migrant women and to make relevant recommendations for policy upgrading.
- Policy formation and policy implementation affecting the integration of new female immigrants in Greece. National Report on key informant’s interviews
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- Integration of new female migrants in Greek labor market and society and policies affecting integration: State of the Art
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- FeMiPol Policy Brief
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- Statistical analysis of female migration and labour market integration in the EU
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- Mapping of policies affecting female migrants and policy analysis: the Greek case