The definition of rape limits the protection of victims
We once again call on the Minister of Justice to adopt a modern Criminal Code worthy of a European state, including the concept of consent.
We promote gender rights and the rights of people who are on the move (refugees), in partnership with other Civil Society organizations. Read our Press Releases and find out more about our advocacy actions.
We once again call on the Minister of Justice to adopt a modern Criminal Code worthy of a European state, including the concept of consent.
Having a home is a universal need and a human right. Asylum seekers in the European Union strive to be safe and to rebuild their lives.
NGOs calling on European leaders to urgently take action to end the humanitarian and human rights crisis at Europe’s borders.
In the draft of the new Criminal Code, not only is a definition based on the absence of consent not adopted, but the already anachronistic and problematic definition of rape is replaced with an even worse one.
We are women, Europeans, immigrants, and refugees. We are women of all ages and all gender identities. On March 8, we shout loudly: enough!
The Greek authorities should show genuine, humane leadership in addressing the deplorable conditions for the people trapped on the islands.
Protecting women whose lives are at risk from gender-based violence is an obligation of the state and its institutions.
Moria, the first reception centre on the Greek island of Lesbos, was recently described in a BBC report as “the worst refugee camp in the world.”
The adoption of the bill ratifying the Istanbul Convention by the Greek Parliament is a victory for the feminist movement.
The draft law does not explicitly define economic violence as one of the forms of gender-based violence, although it could explicitly fall under psychological violence.
The legal recognition of the right to redefine the gender indicated in public documents is a matter of dignity.