The project implements a tailored support program aimed at women victims of gender-based violence (GBV) and their children.

The project is funded by by the EU in the context of CERV Project Grants for the period between 1 February 2022 until 31 January 2024.
Εducational material on sexual harassment

The project aims in the prevention and response to sexual harassment and to develop awareness-raising on gender equality.
Legal and psychosocial support in Attica region

The programme is addressed to survivors of any form of gender-based violence, living in the Attica region and having a low income.
Enhancing Diotima Centre’s safeguarding policies

The project aims to develop a comprehensive safeguarding policy which provides practical guidance for the centre’s partners.
Awareness raising actions for domestic violence

The project aims at raising awareness and informing gender-based violence survivors and the general public.
Support of online helpdesk

This project aims to support specialized professionals who staff the online helpdesk of Diotima Centre and its response in GBV.
All safe

The program’s goal is to support survivors and reduce the consequences of domestic violence in Attika region.
Strengthening professional’s skills

The project will deliver training seminars to 200 non-specialist first-line professionals working in open hosting structures in the mainland.

The programme aims to act against gender-based violence, focusing on women survivors with low or no income.
Building a safety net for refugee women

The programme focuses on expand prevention and response to gender-based violence against immigrant and refugee women.
Legal assistance for gender-based violence survivors

The project aims to provide legal support to survivors of domestic violence, with low incomes.

The Plan aims to contribute to the prevention and fight against all forms of gender-based violence and to support women.
Bridging the gap

The aim of the project is the social reintegration and employment of women who have suffered violence and abuse.
Panhellenic information campaign “Live again”

The campaign aims to raise awareness and inform about the various forms of gender-based violence experienced by migrant women.