Women as prevention actors in the community
The Diotima Centre worked with 15 women from migrant communities to prevent gender-based violence. Watch the video.
The Diotima Centre worked with 15 women from migrant communities to prevent gender-based violence. Watch the video.
The programme is addressed to Greek and immigrant women, who experience all forms of gender-based violence and reside in Greece.
The rule of love has been harsh and oppressive and has promoted patriarchal values albeit with spatial and temporal variations.
Over 150 women received legal and psychosocial assistance in 2021, with the help of the Bodossaki Foundation.
The initiative is formed in order not to allow this debilitating phenomenon to continue without a reaction.
Any survivor can escape from an abusive relationship. She is not alone in this journey. She can turn to the appropriate agencies.
Women victims were punished because they wanted to make their own decisions about their own lives and bodies.
The study documents the experiences of migrant and refugee survivors of domestic violence from the police response system.
It is important to plan your escape from an abusive relationship. See some indicative steps below and make an escape plan.
Abused women often report feeling trapped in a tightrope from which they cannot escape.
Domestic violence is the most prevalent form of gender-based violence worldwide. 1 in 4 European women experiences or will experience it at some point in her life.
No pandemic is invincible. Every woman can escape from abuse if she “unlocks” the power hidden within her.
A campaign on domestic violence in the time of the pandemic by the Diotima Center and the British Embassy in Athens.
The Diotima Center participated in the Special Permanent Committee on Equality on “Domestic violence in the time of the coronavirus”.
The program aims to provide free legal assistance to Greek women and immigrant women who are citizens or residents of Athens and have low incomes.
The Diotima Centre is deeply concerned about the management of gender-based violence by police authorities in the midst of a pandemic.
Domestic violence is one of the most widespread forms of gender-based violence, globally and in our country.
On 10/10/2018, the GSGE held a conference on the occasion of the entry into force of the Istanbul Convention.