The project’s objective is to challenge gender stereotypes and raise awareness on gender inequalities in care.

The project aims to empower, network, and advocate for gender rights defense.
EQUALL – Equal opportunities for all

The project aims to support, empower, economically and socially self-sufficient women who have experienced gender-based violence.
All safe ΙΙ

The project aims to support women who experience gender-based violence, of any form, and live in the region of Attica and Central Macedonia.
Play the game and stay safe

The program aims to raise awareness and information in teenagers about online sexual harassment in its various forms.
Support services in women refugees

The program includes gender-based violence incident management services and provision of legal assistance in the regions of of Attica and Thessaloniki.

The project aims to increase female representation in the sector of energy and empower those who are active in academia or the market.
Community linkage

The project aims to empower refugee women and strengthen their capacities to support GBV survivors in the community.

The project implements a tailored support program aimed at women victims of gender-based violence (GBV) and their children.
Equal Gen

The project address issues of inequality, sexist attitudes and behaviours, and gender-based violence through group-specific methodologies.

The project is funded by by the EU in the context of CERV Project Grants for the period between 1 February 2022 until 31 January 2024.
Remote psychosocial support

The program is addressed to Greek and migrant women, who experience all forms of gender-based violence and reside in Greece.
Gender-based violence: (In)visible

The project aims at the non-stereotypical representation of the experience of gender-based violence through photography.

The project is raising awareness and solutions for the best support of survivors with sensory disabilities.
Do the human right thing

The project advocates for the integration of refugees and international protection seekers in Greek society.
Strengthening for survivors

The program offer psycho-social support to refugee adolescent boys and adult men who are survivors of GBV and torture.
Εducational material on sexual harassment

The project aims in the prevention and response to sexual harassment and to develop awareness-raising on gender equality.
Emergency support to survivors on Lesvos

The program is concerned with tackling gender-based violence in Lesvos island’s new camp and responding to increased needs.
Study on gender inequality in politics

The project aims to submission of proposals for gender discrimination and inequalities confrontation in the public sphere.
Legal and psychosocial support in Attica region

The programme is addressed to survivors of any form of gender-based violence, living in the Attica region and having a low income.

The programme aims at the prevention of forced marriages by training professionals working with potential victims.
Ariande II

The project aims at protecting female immigrants and refugees who are survivors of domestic violence and preventing those cases.
Enhancing Diotima Centre’s safeguarding policies

The project aims to develop a comprehensive safeguarding policy which provides practical guidance for the centre’s partners.
Capacity building on the role of linguistic and cultural mediators

The project aims to enhance the knowledge and skills of 200 interpreters and intercultural mediators in supporting GBV survivors.
Awareness raising actions for domestic violence

The project aims at raising awareness and informing gender-based violence survivors and the general public.
Support of online helpdesk

This project aims to support specialized professionals who staff the online helpdesk of Diotima Centre and its response in GBV.
Engaging the community for the protection of GBV survivors

The project aims to empower women refugees and adolescent girls to avoid secondary victimization and their smooth social integration.

The project aims to increase the sensitivity of trainees to recognize gender inequality and its diverse cultural contexts.
Women going digital

The project aims at strengthening the digital skills of unemployed women and upgrading their professional profile.
All safe

The program’s goal is to support survivors and reduce the consequences of domestic violence in Attika region.
Strengthening GBV services at the Kara Tepe

The project aims to enhance Diotima’s teams and activities in Lesvos that respond to the needs of female and male GBV survivors.

The project aims to increase awareness about rights and cultural services for immigrants and refugees, through community focal points.
Strengthening professional’s skills

The project will deliver training seminars to 200 non-specialist first-line professionals working in open hosting structures in the mainland.
Girls on the move

First research in Greece regarding underage girls, reducing in this way the lack of knowledge and empirical data.
Assisting professionals working with refugees

The program seeks to enhance the ability of professionals to respond adequately to the needs of empowering refugees and migrants.

The programme aims to act against gender-based violence, focusing on women survivors with low or no income.
Intervention against gender-based violence in refugee sites

The programme aims to strengthen and protect vulnerable groups of the refugee population, in particular gender-based violence survivors.
Building a safety net for refugee women

The programme focuses on expand prevention and response to gender-based violence against immigrant and refugee women.
Capacity building and research against GBV

The project contributes to the prevention, treatment and management of incidents of GBV in the refugee population.
Legal assistance for gender-based violence survivors

The project aims to provide legal support to survivors of domestic violence, with low incomes.
Participation in collective representation institutions

The project aims to remove the existing barriers to the political participation of migrants.

The Plan aims to contribute to the prevention and fight against all forms of gender-based violence and to support women.
Promotion of women in the collective bodies of GSEVEE

The Plan aims to strengthen the position of women in the decision-making centers and representative institutions of the Confederation.
Bridging the gap

The aim of the project is the social reintegration and employment of women who have suffered violence and abuse.
Panhellenic information campaign “Live again”

The campaign aims to raise awareness and inform about the various forms of gender-based violence experienced by migrant women.

Τhe project tries to contribute to an unbiased media presentation of migrant women, highlighting their own voices.
Action Plan “Women’s Solidarity”

The plan is implemented in the framework of the European program “Employment and Vocational Training”, with the Diotima Centre as coordinator.
Integration of migrant women into the labour market and the economy

The project is of a research nature and its aim is to assess the social integration policies of migrant women and to submit proposals.
SYNPRAXIS: Cooperation for employment

The project aims to increase the effectiveness of the mechanisms in charge of the professional integration of excluded groups.